“….you are the God who does wonders; you have declared your strength among the people…” Psalm 77:14

The opening scripture shows us how King David praises God and calls Him the God that does wonders which also means the God that does miracles. So what is a miracle? A miracle is a supernatural occurrence happening in the realm of the physical. A miracle breaks every physical law of impossibility and makes everything happen beyond the ordinary. A miracle is God’s intervention in a hopeless situation, turning it around. A miracle is God’s intervention in what man thinks has become impossible. When God intervenes, your situation changes, a miracle is simply when God shows up in a scene. A miracle is the divine power of God at work in our human life and when the power of God overshadows a man and alters his destiny. The question now is how do we get a miracle? And when do have one, what should we do with it? Firstly to get a miracle you must trust in God’s divine power to change the circumstances of your life. Most times people do not believe God enough and tend to cower when faced with adversaries. So to trust God means, to stay in faith and believe that you will have what you have spoken to God about, no matter what happens.  If will hold on to God’s word, you will have a testimony.

In the book of Mark 5:21-24, 39-42, we see a man’s trust in Jesus and in the power of God. He’s beloved daughter is dead, and many are crying about losing her and preparing to carry out the funeral. But the man leaves his house and goes out to search for Jesus, “…and begged Him earnestly saying, “My daughter lies at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, that she may be healed….” And of course, when Jesus got there a miracle took place. The girl who was dead got up and lived. This was a miracle and it happened because her father believed that it could happen. This, therefore, teaches us that what we do not believe we should not expect. It’s not only the pastor that can cause a miracle to happen. You can also make miracles to happen depending on your faith and trust in the power of God. In the book of Luke 10:1, 17, Jesus sent His disciples out and they did miracles, it’s wasn’t only Jesus that did miracles, His disciples also learned to do the same. Now, one thing is to get a miracle, but another thing is to testify about the miracle. God always wants us to talk about the miracles we have received. When God does something for you, which you know it’s only God that could have done it, speak about it, don’t be quiet. When you speak about it, it will strike up faith in another man and would help him receive a miracle too. So get ready to produce your miracle today, Praise God!


A miracle is the divine power of God at work in our human life!


I declare today that I am a partaker of the divine power of God. I declare that every day for me is a day of miracles. I believe in miracles and therefore I experience miracles day by day and time after time. Praise God! Amen!


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