“…therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air…”- 1 Corinthians 9:26 (NIV)

In prayers there are lots of things that need to be learned to enable you have testimonies on a regular basis. One of those things is praying with a target in mind. Targeted prayers are prayers that you pray channelling your prayer strength towards a particular target or matter that needs to be addressed. When you are involved in this kind of prayers, you don’t pile up prayer points and finish everything within thirty minutes. When you pray like that you are praying without aim. This is the way many Christians pray and they end up struggling with a particular issue for so long. They end up complaining and saying things like “I pray all the time and yet I don’t know why my life is like this”. All this happens because the prayers they pray are not targeted prayers. When you want to see results in your life through prayers, you must learn to apply strategies in prayers. So you chalk out a prayer program. It might be a three-day prayer program where you decide that for those three days, you will pray about only one particular issue and you will spend one or two hours daily on it. After you have decided this, you discipline yourself to carry it out within the stipulated time which you have chalked out for yourself. When you pray like this, at the end of those three days, you will be amazed at the kind of changes that you would have affected already. It’s just like trying to drive a nail into the wall. If you hit it the first time, without aim, you will certainly not make any impact but when you hit it with an aim and you continue to hit it, in due time, the nail would have penetrated the wall a great deal.

So as you pray today, don’t just pray because you want to pray. Snap out of that religious routine and pray with the intentions to get results. A prayer that will produce results is such that has to be with target. Be like Paul in your prayer life, who said I do not waste my punches, so that whenever you pray, you do not waste the moment. When you develop yourself in this manner, there is no situation you will not be able to conquer. More also, you will not find yourself confused about a situation because you know what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Praise God!

A prayer that will produce results is such that has to be with target!

Father I thank you for your word which has come to add value to my life, I declare that from henceforth, I will pray with a target in mind. I refuse to waste my efforts in prayers, when I pray I make an impact because I have been ordained to receive answers to my prayers. So I go out today to subdue and take dominion in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: October 2019


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