“…. men ought always to pray and not to faint…” Luke 8:2

In my walk so far with God, I have come to learn some deep secret truth which has helped me over the years to scale through the challenges of life and one of those truths is to offer prayers daily. No day should pass by without you offering prayers to God. There are people who pray weekly, some pray monthly while others pray annually but seriously, if you want to stay on top as a child of God and experience a daily and consistent progress in your life, you must develop the habit of praying daily. Don’t pray once in a week or once in a month or whenever you feel like praying, it is an unhealthy Christian lifestyle. You are expected to pray every day because it is a duty and also a privilege that can revolutionize your life. The Bible lets us know that we have been built up as a spiritual house, a Holy priesthood, to offer up Spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5 NKJV) which means, daily prayers is not an option but a responsibility and God expects to hear our prayers often.

You have to understand that daily prayers are the keys to a consistent result in all that we do but sadly not many have come to understand this truth. So, you find lots of God’s people who still struggle in their lives and remain stagnant for a long time and they wonder why things are not working out for them. Well, you need to understand that daily prayers are a necessity, it helps to declutter our lives. At every point in life, the devil always stirs up things that will tempt us, hinder us and limit us but a man who prays daily will overcome this trap that the devil sets for the children of God. Therefore, it is important for you to cultivate the habit of praying daily. Don’t be lazy about it, make a conscious decision to let it become a part of your daily routine. It’s amazing how sometimes you find people who get so busy to the point that prayers are not a part of their daily routine, they do everything that they need to do except prayers, no wonder when the challenges of life come it sweeps them off their feet. However, this is not God’s plan for your life, God wants the best for you, God wants you to live above every temptation that comes your way, He wants you to live a life of dominion and control but if this is going to happen, you have to offer your prayers daily and be diligent about because the reward indeed is enormous.

TODAY’S RHEMA              

The keys to a consistent result in life is daily prayers


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for opening my eyes to understand the importance of praying regularly, I declare that this will be my lifestyle from henceforth and as I do this, my results are standing out in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: March 2021


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