“….and all who desire to live a godly life, shall suffer persecution…” 2 Timothy 3:12 (NKJV)

As you journey in your Christian walk, one reality you must come to terms with is that you will surely face persecution because of your stand in Christ. I know this might not go down well with a lot of folks, but trust me it will happen. In most cases, this persecution could come from your family, from friends or even your place of work. They will taunt you, laugh at you and even mock you because of the way you live your life. They will make you feel bad because of your faith in Christ Jesus and your seriousness in the things of God but do not despair when you go through these things. The Bible already warned us ahead and it says, “….and all who desire to live a godly life, shall suffer persecution….” 2 Timothy 3:12 (NKJV). Did you see that? 

As long as you will not live like the world or love the things they love, they will persecute you and turn against you. But no matter what happens, refuse to let it deter you. Keep moving on in your faith walk and refuse to give any attention to such persecution. So I admonish you this day, to face this persecution with understanding and through wisdom, know how to scale through it. But most importantly, don’t compromise. Don’t try to walk away from godliness because of what you are facing out there. Remember, if you stand your ground long enough, God will strengthen you and always give you victory. Halleluiah!


As long as you want to live a godly life, persecution will follow!


Father, I thank you for enlightening me on the truth about persecution. I declare this day, that I am prepared and equipped. No matter the persecution that comes my way, I will not compromise but prevail by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Amen


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