“…And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace…”  John 1:16 (NKJV)

There is a God-kind of grace and majesty. It’s not the same with the grace and majesty that the kings of the earth possess. The kings of the earth have been given their own kind of grace and majesty that doesn’t match the one of our King. And that’s why Jesus is called, “The King of all kings and Lord of all lords.” (Revelation 19:16 NKJV). The kings of the earth hear His name and they fear Him. The kings of the earth bow their knees to Him in honor and adoration. The kings of the earth call to His name in their prayers because they can’t do without Him. When Solomon was made king of Israel, he called to the name of the Lord and when he was asked to make a request, he asked the Lord to give him wisdom. (Reference scripture, 2 Chronicles 1:11). Now, the best of all this is that all that belongs to Jesus has been given to the church to use. And who is the church? One who has united his spirit with the Lords’, and has confessed Jesus as His Lord and savior. So if you have received Him, you have also received the fullness of His grace and majesty. A grace like none other, This means a totality of what made our Lord Jesus Christ who He is, and gave Him the kind of power He exercised or is exercising, has also been made available to us.

The scripture says we, who have been baptized into His burial and raised together with Him (Romans 6:4), have also received the privilege to function the way He functioned here on earth. This means we have it all, from His healing ability, His wisdom and knowledge to interpret scripture or to teach it. We have also received His boldness, His beauty and His authority. And we are therefore seated together with Him on his throne. So whatever timidity that was present in our lives before, have been completely taken away. So what do you do with the grace and majesty that has been bestowed to the church? Use it! It’s available to you and for your use. There are no restrictions at all to the Christian in using all that Jesus has made available to us. Therefore, walk in His beauty, glory, splendor, power, grace and majesty. Amen!


You have received the fullness of His grace and majesty!


Oh, Father! Thank you for this great gift that you have given me. Knowing that the day I gave my life to Christ, I also became a king just as He is King. I take advantage of the grace available in Christ Jesus and therefore enjoy the great privileges of the son of God Most High. Amen!


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