“…some people keep on doing good, and seek glory, honour, and immortal life; to them God will give eternal life. Other people are selfish and reject what is right in order to follow what is wrong…”

Romans 2:7-8 (GNB)

The Bible is replete with the truth that is needed to succeed in every area of life. Our responsibility as Christians is to obey the truth and walk in its blessings. The truth, the Bible says, will make you free (John 8:32) but sadly, there are too many who know the truth but do not walk in it. They prefer to go in the way of their minds and at the end of the day, they get into all kinds of trouble because that’s what disobedience to the truth produces. However, as a believer, you can choose to be different. Refuse to walk in the opposite direction of the truth that your days may be blessed and free of issues. Rather, get acquainted with the Word of God so that you can be equipped with the truth and choose to live by it. Let it rule your life, your decisions and choices. And most importantly, let it be the final authority in your life.

Now, when am talking about the truth, it is important to know that there are all kinds of information out there that sound like the truth. But because it has been widely accepted, many have decided to accept it as the truth. An example of such is the issue of homosexuality and lesbianism. Many years ago, it was a taboo to talk about but today it has become one of the accepted truths in many societies all because they want people to feel comfortable about it. But does that make it right in God’s eyes? Certainly not! Even though it has become legal in many societies, it doesn’t make it the truth and as such should be avoided. Even though it has been painted to seem like the truth, it is not the truth. God’s Word speaks otherwise. So make a conscious decision today to stick to the truth, not what looks like the truth. Remember, the truth is what is right and pleasing in the eyes of God. The truth is God’s opinion about life; not man’s opinion. If you will stick to the truth and obey it, you can be sure to live everyday of your life walking in the fulfilment of the promises of God. Halleluiah!


If you will obey the truth, you can be sure to live everyday of your life walking in the fulfilment of the promises of God!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your Word today. Your Word is truth and I choose to live every day of my life walking in the truth and enjoying the liberty that goes with the truth in Jesus name. Amen!


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