“…the path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day…” Proverbs 4:18 (NIV)

Making advancement in life is a plan God has for His children, so don’t stay in one place. And don’t think it’s okay to be in one spot or that it’s okay to remain where you are. It’s not okay to be stagnant. Everything that God had made, He gave the ability to move around. Science has shown us that the earth moves, it does not stand in one spot, that’s why we have the day and the night. Take a look at the moon, sometimes it’s full and sometimes it’s half, and the sun has its moment when it shines so brightly, that’s why we have the summer and winter time. In the opening scripture, it says, the path of the righteous starts by shining, and then it becomes brighter till it has achieved the full light of day. This is the plan of God for us as His children, but because this is God’s plan, it doesn’t mean that things will automatically take shape in our lives. We have a role to play to bring to pass the expected end.

But I have noticed that most times people don’t want to make a move for advancement in their lives. They want to succeed while sitting down, they want to be wealthy and yet they are not working. They want to be able to defeat the devil and his cohorts and yet they neither study the bible nor pray. They want to be happy yet they are very troublesome. They want friends and yet they fight with everyone that comes their way. It’s God’s desire that you should have your heart’s desire, but it’s your responsibility to make it happen. Nothing new will take place in your life if you remain where you are. No change will come to you if you do not work on yourself. Isaiah 60:1 declares, “Arise, shine for the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. “Meaning, before a man can shine and make progress in his life, he must stand up from where he is, try something he has never tried before. So I say to you today, arise, and move, make an effort to make progress, don’t be comfortable with where you are. You can do better than what you are doing now; you can shine brighter than the stars in the sky.


Advancement in life requires some level of effort in your life, so get to work!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for opening my eyes to your truth. I declare today that I do not remain in one spot. Rather, I make progress in my job, in my health, in my life and everything that concerns me. I am full of light and I keep going from success to success, and victory to victory in Jesus name. Amen!


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