“…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end and with all perseverance…” Ephesians 6:18 (NKJV)

Over the years, I have had the privilege of asking lots of people about their prayer life and the answer I get is usually not an encouraging one. On one occasion during a meeting, I asked all the people there, how many of them pray for at least one hour per day. And shockingly out of about two hundred plus people there, only about ten people raised their hands up. The rest were very comfortable with their hands down and very few of them even agreed that they prayed for thirty minutes in a day. While I felt bad about the situation, I didn’t quite blame them because of their level of growth. But you see beloved, it is important that we consider maintaining a quality prayer life.

The Bible in the book of Ephesians 6:12, lets us know that “…we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places…” meaning that as Christians, we are up against forces that will stop at nothing to ensure that we are frustrated and hindered in several areas of our lives. This is the reason many lives have been destroyed because of demonic manipulations and machinations. Many have been so hindered to the point that they are not able to cross certain levels in their lives. When they get to a point where they want to achieve, issues come up and everything crumbles. They have gone from one church to another looking for a quick fix, unknown to them that the continuous problem they are facing is as a result of an inadequate prayer life. Beloved, you’ve to understand that adequate prayer life is the key to a consistent and continuous result. If you want to live in the realm of possibilities and fewer problems, you must step up your prayer life and be stable at it. A quality prayer life will always sort out the problems of inadequacies in your life. It fills the gap and causes you to triumph in all things. I have taken out time to study the lives of people who are very prayerful and I discovered that their lives are always far better than the lives of people do not pray. So I encourage you today, to cultivate a prayer life that is sufficient enough to fix the challenges that you face. Remember there are no challenges that cannot be sorted out, but if it will be sorted out, it totally depends on how willing you are ready to go in prayers. God bless you!


Quality prayer life is the answer to all inadequacies in our lives!


Thank you heavenly father for teaching me more about prayers today. I declare that as I set myself to pray this year, the zeal and inspiration for prayer will not depart me and by the power of the Holy Ghost, I receive answers to all my prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: August 2019


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