“…there are many whose lives make them enemies of Christ’s death on the cross…because their god is their bodily desires….” Philippians 3:18-19 (GNB)

In the race of life there are lots of lessons you must learn from God’s Word to help you triumph over the temptations of this world and live according to the purpose for which God has called you. One of those lessons is living above the desires of your flesh. The worst thing that can happen to any man is to be a follower of his body instead of the dictates of Spirit of God. When you are a follower of your body, you become a devotee to your body instead of the dictates of the Spirit of God. When a man gets to this point in His life, he is surely bound to fail because bodily cravings never brings profit, it only brings loses. The body is selfish; the body only desires that which will satisfy its pleasure, and when pleasure has been satisfied that is it. That whole craving ends there, it does not produce anything beneficial, it only enjoy itself for that few moments and that is it. It does not add any value to life, it only makes one feel comfortable for a while, but it never brings a lasting solution. It only makes you walk at cross purposes with God’s plan for your live. So to live a life that will make every day count, you must live above bodily desires.
Begin for now to be the one in control and not your flesh. Be the one dictating for the flesh and not the flesh dictating for you. It is not everything the body desires that is what you must give to the body. You have to learn to deprive the body off certain desires that it might want to have. For example, the body might want you to eat all the time which seems good in the ears but in the real sense, eating all the time, will block your spiritual senses and cause you to be spiritually asleep. As important as eating is, there are times when you need to stay away from food for some hours or days just to seek the face of God and know His will for your life. Now these and many more you have to be careful about so that you do not become a slave to your body. Know when to do certain things and know when abstain from certain things also, this way you will never yield to the leadership of the body. In Philippians 3:18-19, Paul the apostle spoke about certain people whose gods, is their body, he said these ones have a life that is an enemy of Christ’s death on the cross. Indicating that if caution is not taken, one can be a Christian and still have a life that is an enemy of Christ’s death on the cross because of the desires of the flesh. So make up your mind to live above the desires of the flesh, bring your body under subjection. Paul said I bring my body under complete control, to keep myself from being disqualified after having called others to the contest (1 Corinthians 9:27 GNB)


The body is selfish; the body only desires that which will satisfy its cravings, it never brings a lasting solution, so never follow its dictates!


Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your grace and love towards me; I thank you for bringing me your word. I declare from henceforth, I am the one in charge and not my body. In all that I do, I choose to follow the dictates of the Spirit instead of my body and as I do this, I prosper in all things in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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