“…And now I’m afraid that exactly as the snake seduced Eve with his smooth pattern, you are being lured away from the simple purity of you love for Christ….” 2 Corinthians 11:3 (MSG)

According to the Apostle Paul’s writings in the book of 2 Corinthians 11:3 the love we feel for God ought to be pure. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to be lured away from loving God. We shouldn’t find it difficult to love God because it’s the simplest thing to do. If we can love our friends, or our children or our brothers because he is our mother’s child, we should also be able to love God because He expects this from us. God is looking for that man who will love Him with all His heart but sadly that is difficult to find these days because the love of men has waxed cold. People hardly love those whom they see today, so they find it difficult to love God whom they cannot see. However, God does not want it to be this way; God wants His love towards us to be reciprocated. Sometimes, when I see the response of many folks towards God, I begin to wonder, do people have any feelings for God at all? Or is it expected that God should not be loved? Sometimes the people we love or who we think loves us do not necessarily understand us the way God does, they do not overlook our mistakes when they can, or forgive us when it’s necessary but God does all these for us without looking back and yet, many still do not deem it necessary to love God.

Many have entered into relationships in love and finally came out of it with bitterness, why? Because most people haven’t learnt to love God more and stay focused on loving God. They have the kind of love that has the ability to go astray or vanish into thin air. If you could love God more, it would help your relationships. There are several things you cannot do to your neighbor when you love God; there are several words you cannot say to them, because when you look at your neighbor you don’t see him, you see Jesus Christ in him. Even if you wanted to hate your neighbor you can’t, because the love of God constraints you, and if you want to steal from your neighbor, you can’t because all you see is God. So, your love for God sets the boundary, your love for God helps you in controlling yourself and your love for God gives you direction. Most of all, understand that God expects you to love Him. Don’t think in your heart that because you don’t see Him, you shouldn’t love him. No, love Him no matter what. In fact, His invisibility should be your propelling force for a wholehearted devotion to God. According to our opening scriptures, our love for God ought to be pure. This is the kind of love that cannot be poisoned or destroyed. This love does not vanish into thin air, this love is eternal. Open your heart today, and love the Lord with all your heart and it will impact every area of your life.


Your love for God sets the boundary and opens you to great things in life!


I confess today that I will love God more because I have realized that the love I have for God is what helps me to build a better life. I have come to understand that loving God is not a responsibility but it has become my life. Thank you, father, for putting in me your kind of love and helping me to understand it too in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Categories: March 2021


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