“…. of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end….” —Isaiah 9:7 (NKJV)

 “…For there’s no one like you…none like you, the king shall reign forevermore, forevermore. And the king shall reign forevermore.” Oh! I cannot stop singing this song in my heart. I feel like shouting it out for the world to hear that we have a king who will reign forever and ever. A king, whose tenure never comes to its end. A King who has always been King has elected other kings and is still King right now. And this king is Jesus Christ and He reigns forever and ever. So why not let this king reign in your thought? Why not let this king be the only king whose only voice and command you obey? Because we know that he is the only king whose kingdom will have no end. We are still enjoying the breeze of the New Year, and we also know it’s very easy to get ourselves distracted because of various things we want to achieve this year. Many will run after projects and money. Many will try to make their ideas worthwhile. “The year is still fresh so the earlier we start all that’s on our mind the better.” Some people will say. But my friends, as you try out all the new ideas, always remember the king and what He wants for you and from you. Let Him reign in your heart just as those ideas come pouring out in the door of your heart. Don’t toss Him aside because of your dreams. 

Sometimes our dream tends to make us self-seeking or self-centred, not thinking about what the Lord really wants or how the Lord wants us to do what we are doing. However, this is the time to cling to Him more, because He alone can bring your ideas to light. Remember, the Bible says, “…there are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel- that will stand…” Proverbs 19:21 (NKJV). So, let your thought flow with love for the king, reverence and admiration. Seek to achieve more with the king by your side rather than without Him. Trust more in the king’s decision and His opinion. Trust in His counsel and His direction. And remember, there will always be a difference between those who love the Lord and those who do not (Malachi 3:18). So, let the king take delight in your success because of your love for Him and the relationship you have with Him. And always remember that the king is the Lord of all. And without Him, nothing could have been made. Without Him, no dreams can come to light, and without him, no ideas can be built.


Don’t toss Him aside because of your dreams!


Oh, Lord Jesus! King of the universe! I declare this day, that you reign in my life and in my heart. My relationship with you comes from the doors of my spirit, which is my heart. And I, therefore, declare that you have control over my being. Take me oh Lord to where you want me to go and teach me what you want me to know. Amen!

Categories: April 2021


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