“…for we walk by faith and not by sight…”-2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV)

Sometimes the reality that stands before us are always so different from what the bible says. And yet what the Bible says, remain true irrespective of what we experience. So how do we resolve this conflict that sometimes work in us? How do we reconcile the fact that what the Bible says about us, is different from what our true experiences looks like? I know that this is one question that lies within the heart of many people. They read the bible and see all the glorious things spoken about them. But when they look at their lives, it’s a far cry from what the word says. So they begin to wonder what’s going on. Well, worry no more because the solution to this conflict is very simple. Make God’s Word your reality and not your experiences.

The challenge most people face is that they have unconsciously made their challenges to be their reality. They are so overwhelmed and engrossed in these challenges to the point that they unknowingly accept it as the reality. But this is where you need to make the change and be free from all that conflict or confusion going on in your mind. No matter what you face or go through, refuse to accept that situation as your reality. If you do, you will never come out of it. But if you hold God’s Word as your reality, you will come out victoriously because truly, God’s word is the reality. Refuse to allow your situation to make you think otherwise. Condition your mind with this truth and see the word of God as your reality. Even if your life or your pocket might not look like what the word says right now, choose to go with what the word says about your life and believe it. At first, it might not look as though the reality on ground will change but it will, because change starts from the inside not outside.  When you start seeing things differently on your inside, change will eventually be effected on the outside. So “…do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal…”- 2 Corinthians 4:18 (NKJV). Halleluiah!


No matter what you face or go through, refuse to accept that situation as your reality.


I receive God’s Word today with meekness and I choose to accept it as the reality not my experiences. I believe every word the father has said about me and I am walking in line with it in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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