“…after lot had gone, the Lord said to Abram, “Look as far as you can see in every direction – north and south, east and west, I am giving all this land, as far as you can see to you and your descendants as permanent possession…” Genesis 13: 14 -15 (NCV)

In the Kingdom of God, there are principles which we must take advantage of to be able to lay hold of everything that we require and desire in this life. One of those principles is “possessing with the eyes of your spirit”. The Bible tells us that after Abram and Lot separated, God spoke to Abram and said to him, look as far as you can see in every direction, then He made a most profound statement which I want you to take note of here. God said to Abram “I am giving all this land, as far as you can see to you and your descendants as a permanent possession.” (Genesis 13:15). Here you discover that God was trying to bless Abram with great possessions, but before He could do so, God instructed Him to lift up his eyes and see as far as he could see. Meaning, God was getting ready to bless Abram but the extent to which the blessings will be was completely dependent on what Abram could see.  So, at this point, Abram had a responsibility to look and see. And behold, when he did, he saw and believed God and moved over to the land to go and settle there. Now, something, I want you to understand here is that, when he looked, he did not only see with his physical eyes, he also saw the blessings with the eyes of his spirit and believed. If he had not done what God asked him to do, the blessings of God would have been there but he wouldn’t have been able to lay hold of it because he did not see with the eyes of the spirit.

Today, the same principle applies, when it comes to walking in the blessings of God. The bible lets us know that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, which means God’s blessings for us in Christ Jesus is real and available to us. But to walk in it and enjoy it, you have to see with the eyes of your spirit and see as far as you can see. If you can see it then you can possess it. Refuse to see the wrong things because what you see is what you get. If you see failure you will end up with failure but if you see success you will end up with success. It is a principle that you must consciously apply to reap the tremendous blessings available to us in Christ Jesus. So, my question for you is, what can you see? Don’t sit around and give excuses saying “I don’t know why I have not achieved this” “I don’t know why things have not worked for me”, because when you say that, you are looking at the wrong thing. Put those things aside and lift up your eyes, and see as far as you can see. Where you will finally end up in life is completely dependent on what you are able to see in the place you are now, so I encourage you to see as far as you can see. Hallelujah!


Refuse to see the wrong things because what you see is what you get!


All powerful and every living father, I thank you for word today, I thank you for giving me the ability to see with the eyes of the spirit. Therefore, I decree this day that I am seeing the right things and possessing the right things by the power of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: February 2021


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