“…therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…”Hebrews 12:1 (NKJV)

Recently, I learned something amazing from my daughter and I thought it wise to share the same with you. Of late she has grown so fond of her teddy bear, that she carries it everywhere she goes. On this occasion, she was trying to climb on to the bed with the teddy bear and all attempts to climb successfully, proved abortive. She held the teddy bear on the one hand and was attempting to climb with the other. She struggled for quite some time but she couldn’t make it to the top of the bed. Then she decided to let go of the teddy bear and in one attempt she climbed the bed successfully and was happy with herself.  When I saw this, my mind immediately went to the scripture in our opening text. Her exploits gave me a vivid picture of what that text is trying to speak to us about. Sometimes, we are not able to get to the next level of our lives because we are carrying too many things (grudges, hatred, bitterness, un-forgiveness, etc.) along which ends up slowing us down. Unfortunately, we grow so attached to these things to the point that we are desensitized of the fact that it is slowing us down. So we keep holding on and making no progress. But then the Bible says, “…let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…” Hebrews 12:1 (NKJV). If only we can get this done, our lives will be better and we will achieve things faster.

So I ask you today, what is that thing that you are holding on to, that is keeping you from making progress or moving to the next level of your life? It could be a habit, or a particular way of life or thinking, or the way you talk or relate with people, whatever it may be, I admonish that you consider laying them aside so that your progress can be accelerated. I know you may have grown sentimentally attached to that thing right now, but if you are truly serious about climbing to the next level in your life, then you should lay it aside for your own good. You must understand that the things that bring us progress in life are decisions. If you can search your heart today and make the necessary decision, you will see yourself move from glory to glory. Halleluiah!


The things you lay aside determine how far and fast you will go in life!


All-powerful and Everliving Father, I thank you for inspiring me with your Word today. I thank you for helping me see the things I need to lay aside for me to move forward. I therefore decree that the grace to lay aside things I have grown attached to over the years, rest on me in Jesus. Amen!


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