“…who was delivered up because of our offences, and was raised because of our justification…”- Romans 4:25 (NKJV)

Sometimes the devil would love to play a fast one on you by making you believe that you are still a sinner because of some mistakes that you make here and there. He capitalizes on your weaknesses and uses them to taunt you but the truth remains that this is the reason Jesus Christ came. He didn’t come that you will continue to be accused by the devil; He came to take your place so that the devil will not have a hold on you anymore. He was raised up for your justification. In other words, the day Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, all God could see was your justification. He was brought back to life to make you justified in the sight of God. Today, as far as God is concerned, you are justified before Him and nothing can change that. In Romans 5:1, the Bible declares that “…having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus…” Praise God! Refuse to allow the devil to convince you or manipulate you otherwise. The finished works of Jesus Christ have placed you in such a place where the devil has no legal grounds to hold you any longer. All his accusations against you have been silenced through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You might say but sir, after all that I have done, am I still justified? Well, the answer is yes, you are justified because you are now a Christian. The reason is because, God does not measure Justification based on what you do or have done, but rather what Jesus Christ has done. Remember, His death, burial, and resurrection was a sacrifice that lasts forever. He was an innocent man who was judged and sentenced for a crime He did not commit. He was crucified and buried for three days, but after three days the father raised him back to life and through His resurrection, the father says you whom He died for, is justified. Praise God! To be justified means, all legal charges brought against you have been dropped; you are free of every guilt and penalty, now you are declared righteous before God, Halleluiah!

So as you go about your daily routine, live each day of your life, convinced that Jesus Christ was raised for your justification. Do not struggle with it, just accept it as it is and you will be amazed where your life will be at the end of the day. Stop holding on to the mistakes of the past and do not keep condemning yourself because that condemnation was charged to the account of Jesus. God no longer condemns you, so refuse to condemn yourself. Lay hold of the justification that has been made available to you in Christ Jesus, walk conscious of the nature of righteousness that you now have and grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God!


In Christ Jesus, all legal charges brought against you are dropped because you are justified!


Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for making the truth of your word to shine in my heart, I thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to take my place, I thank you for raising your son back to life for my justification. I am overwhelmed by the extent of your love, I declare that by reason of the resurrection, I walk Justified before you now and all the days of my life. Praise God!


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