“…and let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some…” Hebrews 10:24-25 (NKJV)

In the past few years, I have heard lots and lots of people ask questions like the one we have as our topic today. They have gone ahead to say “with or without me coming to Church, I am still blessed and will still be blessed”. And when they say things like this, they say it with all gusto and think they are exhibiting wisdom. But the truth remains that, they are speaking from a place of ignorance. We don’t go to church because of blessings or because it’s a man’s idea. We go to church because this is God’s Idea and command to us His Children. It is His way of helping us get involved in fellowship and have value for fellowship with the body of Christ at large. He does not want us isolated or to be by ourselves as is the manner of some. He wants us to be connected to each other because the church is the body of Christ. And as a body, we cannot do without each other. We need each other to be able to function properly and have access to all the revelations and blessings God has made available to us in Christ Jesus.

Therefore, I admonish you to make a conscious decision to be in all church services. You might say but what if I am busy, how do I attend these services? Well, there is nothing wrong with being busy but there is something called priority. What are your priorities in life? Is God part of it? Because if God is a part of your priority list as your job is, you would create time to always be in Church to fellowship with the rest of the brethren and be a blessing to the body of Christ. The only reason people are not having time to come to church is that they have placed other things above coming to church. They have made church attendance less important in their lives and yet this is what is needed to build their faith, work out their salvation with fear and trembling and prepare for eternity. Beloved, when it comes to attending church services, there is no excuse for that, except you are living in a place where attending church service is just not possible or it puts your life at risk, which is largely not the case for many people. You have got to understand that, one of the major core teachings of the Gospel is fellowship. It is the reason Jesus Christ came, to restore fellowship between man and God and make our relationship with men better. So take it seriously and do not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some…” Hebrews 10:24-25 (NKJV). Not complying with this mandate from God puts you in the wrong light and you don’t want that, do you? Do the needful.


Attending church services helps you get involved in fellowship and have value for fellowship!


Oh Lord, I am grateful for this revelation you have brought to me today; I thank you because it has come to awaken the need for prioritizing my schedule. Therefore, I declare that I will always be in church to fellowship with the saints, receive my blessings and be a blessing to others in the name of Jesus. Amen!



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