“…I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing….” John 15:5 (NKJV)

Having established the importance of investing in your relationship with God, the next thing we are going to be looking at here is how to go about it, because there are lots of people who truly want to invest in their relationship with God but they don’t know what to do, or how to go about it. So, let’s see some of the things you should do to invest in your relationship with the Father. First of all, you must acknowledge the fact that you are in a relationship with God the Father. There are far too many people who are not conscious of this truth and that explains the reason why you literally have to force them to go to church or give attention to prayers or participate in church activities. Beloved, if you truly want to invest in your relationship with God, you have to acknowledge it and let it be a present hour relationship. You cannot be absent-minded about this and expect to have a concrete relationship with the Father, it won’t work that way. Secondly, you have to make fellowship with Him a consistent practice. This is where praying daily, fasting from time to time and studying the word of God comes into play. It is true that most people ignore some of these and the devil will also stop at nothing to ensure that you don’t engage in these things because he does not want your relationship with the Father to be strengthened.

However, you have a responsibility to go beyond his gimmicks and engage in these practices. When you pray every day, that is fellowship, because in prayers, He relates with you. When you study the word, that is also fellowship, because through your studies, you get to know God more, you get to know what He wants from you and most importantly, you get to hear Him speak to you and teach you many things that you did not know. Also, you fast and add prayers to it, it makes God and His word real to you. So, you see that fellowship with God in these three categories is a must. It helps you to maintain a solid relationship with the Father, and anytime you place a demand on that relationship, it will always speak for you. Remember, a relationship itself is a currency. It’s a power of purchase and you can purchase anything with it. Glory to God! Now, the third thing you must do to invest in your relationship with God is serve passionately in His vineyard and be actively involved in the work of the ministry. Beloved, if there is anything God wants more than anything in these last days, is for souls to be won, discipled and prepared for the coming of the Lord Jesus. And He has entrusted us with the responsibility of doing this. Getting involved in them goes a long way to display your love for God and His work on earth. When you engage in these activities with your time, your money and your strength, you are proving to God that you truly know that you are in a relationship with and you value it. So, I encourage you to take this seriously and take your relationship with God to another level. Hallelujah!


If you truly want to invest in your relationship with God, you must put in the work required of you!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this exposition. I decree by the power of the Holy Ghost that the grace to invest daily in my relationship with you is activated in me, and as I make this investment, I am fruitful, productive and effective in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: January 2021


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