“…as newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby…”

1 Peter 2:2 

Every man ever born that grew from being a child into an adult has always had a desire for food. You see children today as little as they are, know that their mouth is for feeding why? Because there is a desire in them to fill their stomach. A clear study has shown us that there is always a difference between nourished children and malnourished children. Children who are well-nourished look fresh and have beautiful skin but children who are malnourished often look under-developed. In the same way, there are spiritually nourished Christians and there are also spiritually malnourished Christians. You have to decide the one whom you will be. The Bible in our opening scripture encouraged us to desire, crave and hunger for the Word of God. A man that craves only for physical food and does not crave for the Word of God will be nourished physically but not spiritually. Don’t find yourself in that position where your spirit is malnourished, because you will be prone to spiritual illnesses. When the Word is in you, it nourishes you and enriches you.

The scriptures have shown us that the Word of God is food for the child of God. Prophet Ezekiel spoke about how sweet the Word of God was when he devoured it. God spoke to him and said “son of man eat this scroll I am giving to you and fill your stomach with it.” So I ate it and it tasted as sweet as Honey in my mouth.” (Ezekiel 3:3 NKJV) This means the Word of God is sweet and delicious and most of all, it is healthy. In Matthew 4:4 Jesus said “People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on every word of God.” (NLT) This means without the Word of God many things will be lacking in our lives, so you shouldn’t just depend on physical things to have a good life but also desire spiritual food which is the Word of God.  We have been made to understand from the scriptures that the Word of God is life and that life is the light of men (John 1:4-5). This makes us understand that the success we will have in life is totally dependent on the amount of God’s Word we have fed our spirit with. So be encouraged to feed your spirit with the word of God from today, so that you will not be found deficient in what you require for a successful life. God bless you.


The success we will have in life is totally dependent on the amount of God’s word we have fed our spirit with! 


I declare that I am well nourished with the Word of God, and I do not lack the vitamins of life that the Word supplies me. I am enriched by the Word in all areas of my life, leaving no area untouched. I glorify you oh God because your Word is my life and the very essence of my being. I am ever grateful for the impact of God’s word in me in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: June 2019


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