“…these things I have written to you who believe in the name of the son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life……..” 1 John 5:13 (NKJV)

Our opening text communicates to us a simple but profound truth written to believers by John an apostle of Jesus Christ. In the scripture, there are two main things which he shared that I would like to point out to you because as Christians, it is important for us to know them. First, he said “these things I have written to you who believe in the name of the son of God”, which means he wasn’t just writing to everybody but those who believe in Jesus Christ, that is you and me. Then secondly, he said, “that you may know that you have eternal life” which means, he was saying that as believers, you need to fully comprehend this truth that you have eternal life.  Eternal life here means a life with quality, a life where you conquer, subdue and dominate. When he said that “you may know that you have eternal life”, he was trying to let us know that this should be your consciousness and it is not negotiable, period!

Life as many would think is not just going to school, getting married, building houses, and giving birth to children. No, there is more. Life is about your success in God and with God. It is standing before God, justified and not condemned.  This is what God calls life. When you stand justified before Him because of what Christ has done for you, not what you have done for yourself. When you live like this, it is impossible to fail or go through any circumstances in life as a victim. This life we are talking about here is a life filled with prosperity and peace and it is important to know that you have it in you. It is a life where you don’t experience what the world goes through. When those in the world are cast down, you who believe in the name of the son of God will say “there is a lifting up”. It is a life of total package and it does not bring sorrow.  It is a life where anything you touch or associate yourself with, receives the grace to work because life is overflowing in you, through you, and from you. It is a life that places you far above all principalities and power and this very life is domiciled in you. So as a Christian, I am writing to you too, that you may know that whatever you go through and face in life, you have a life in you that causes you to triumph over any situation, so live in the consciousness of this truth and watch your life become what God has destined it to be, Halleluiah!


Life is about your success in God and with God, It is standing before God, justified and not condemned!


Father in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the risen Lord; I thank you for giving me eternal life. This life is mightily at work in me and causing me to soar high in life. Because of this life, I refuse to be a failure, I refuse to be a liability, rather I choose to be a success, I live in divine health and whatsoever I do, I prosper in Jesus name. Amen!


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