“Look!” he answered, “I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the son of God” Daniel 3:25 (NKJV)

The above text is one of the scriptures I love so much. Seeing how the faith of the children of God were tested and they still maintained the proclamation of their faith regardless of the situation at hand. Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the blazing fire but were not consumed by it. Here, we see the power of God being demonstrated before unbelievers. We Christians are called to enjoy the power of God in this manner. That’s why when we sometimes find ourselves in challenging situations; we are not expected to be afraid. Persecutions are the Christians bread. A Christian is born to endure challenges, defeat it and win. A Christian can be afflicted but certainly will not be destroyed. Paul the apostle faced the same challenge when he was put in prison. God did not prevent him from entering the prison; God simply demonstrated His power while Paul was in prison and because of this, the Jailer and his family where led to Christ.

Therefore as a Christian have a knowing that your challenges are for God’s glory, and for a testimony of His wondrous works. The testimony of the Christian is always that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we ask or think. Even when the trials of life afflict you, the responsibility of the Christian is to stay strong. Even in times when it looks as though God isn’t going to show up, be strong in the Lord and in the dominion of His strength. In John 16:33 Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart I have over the world.” (ESV) This means God is not unaware of the circumstances you are facing, but He expects that the trying of your faith should produce patience. Don’t be too impatient and profess that God has forgotten you, don’t be too impatient and think it’s over. It’s never over with God, it’s never impossible with God. So focus on God and don’t take your focus off the father because He is in charge.


A Christian can be afflicted but certainly will not be destroyed because he is born to endure challenges, defeat it and win!


Thank you Heavenly Father, for being my ever present help in times of need, you have always been there for me, protecting me and ensuring that I am never in danger. I appreciate your love and your work that you do in me and for me. I declare that my faith is always alive, always able to stand the test of time because I know that you never leave me or abandon me. Praise God!

Categories: June 2019


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