“…but no weapon will be to hurt you; you will have an answer for all who accuse…”- Isaiah 54:17

We have received through the finished works of our Lord Jesus Christ, such a life that cannot be destroyed or defeated and so it is important that you live each day of your life having this consciousness. Sometimes, it is possible to get caught up in the fear of the unknown, it is possible to start thinking that people want to harm you or do something evil to your life, it is also very possible to believe that somehow you might be afflicted with any of these illnesses going on the rampage in the world but the truth remains that you must not give in to such thoughts because they are not true. It doesn’t matter how real these thoughts become to you; the word of God is still the final truth. The Bible lets us know in Galatians 3:27 that “for as many…as were baptized in Christ have put on Christ…” and if you have put on Christ, nothing can harm you without it going through Christ first. Now, here is the catch; it is not possible for it to go through Christ and penetrate you because in the first place Christ cannot be harmed.

Christ in the scripture above refers to the anointing and this anointing cannot be harmed. It is a presence that guides you inside out. It has all it takes to destroy that which is not of God coming against you and it also has all that it takes to attract into your life that which God has planned for you that is yet to locate you. Therefore, refuse to allow anything to bring fear into your life because there is a presence on you and in you and answers to any weapon that is formed or fashioned against you. You might say but what about other Christians, who have been harmed, why were they harmed? Well, in the first place you are not to compare your life with other Christians; you are to compare your life with the word of God. It is our point of reference and source of hope. Anything outside God’s word should be ignored. People go through certain things because of what they believe and how they believe. However, your responsibility is to tailor your life according to God’s word and that is final. When you do this, the anointing of God’s Spirit begins to appropriate God’s power in your life according to what you believe. Am sharing this with you because, if you do not know this truth and live in the reality of it, you can be cheated of the right and authority that you have as a believer, therefore, be bold knowing very well that in Christ Jesus, no harm can prevail against you.


As long Jesus Christ cannot be harmed you cannot be harmed!


Father, I am grateful for Jesus Christ whom you have sent to take my place and give me a life that indestructible and unconquerable, I declare that henceforth, I refuse to allow any form of fear to take a hold of me because the greater one lives in me and the anointing of God’s Spirit rest on me in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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