“….by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises…”—2 Peter 1:4

There are different kinds of Christians that you will find in the world today. There are those who believe that Christianity has not done anything for them, there are others who believe that Christianity has not done enough for them and there are those who believe that Christianity has done so much for them. The question is which category do you belong to? Are you among those who think that Christianity has not done enough for them? Well, I have good news for you, in Christ Jesus are great and precious promises. The liberty and blessing you will enjoy in Christ Jesus are totally dependent on how much of His promises you are able to locate in His word and put to work. If you are sitting and expecting magic to start happening because you are a Christian, you will wait a long time. As a Christian, it is important to know that you have a responsibility to search the scriptures and know the promises that are available to you in Christ Jesus. if you fail to search and locate these promises, then it is impossible to succeed. Therefore, get to work and locate scriptures that will help you to take advantage of God’s promises in your life. Those who have done this, are living the exact kind of life that God has called us to live, so I encourage you to search the scriptures and locate God’s promises.

There are great and precious promises that are available for you in the scriptures that can revolutionize your life, but if you do nothing about them, they will remain in the pages of the bible and will not benefit you in any way. So, do something today and start searching the scriptures. Refuse to give in or give up, refuse to live your life according to the experiences of others. That a Christian was not able to harness the promises of God in Christ Jesus and enjoy it does not mean that will also be your lot. You have a responsibility to live differently and take advantage of all that Jesus Christ has made available to you. The bible says, “… they which receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ…” (Romans 5:17). Take note of what is written here, it says they which receive, meaning that those who will enjoy the promises that are in Christ Jesus are those who are willing to receive. So, get ready to receive today by going deep into the scriptures. God bless you!


The liberty and blessing you will enjoy in Christ Jesus are totally dependent on how much of His promises you are able to locate in His word and put to work!


In Christ Jesus are great and precious promises, therefore, I choose to take advantage of these promises and use it to improve my life. I refuse to accept anything that is contrary to the promises of God in Christ Jesus. So, I declare that as I locate and put to work these promises, I make progress in all that I do in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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