“…for what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do…” Romans 7:15 (NKJV)

One of the greatest struggles many Christians face in their lives,is the challenge of wilful or repeated error. Even though they go to church all the time, serve in the house of the Lord, sow their seeds and give their tithes, they still find themselves going back to their old ways. They have tried to stop this very thing or habit but they just find themselves struggling with it and they wonder if they will ever come out of it. Well, if you have found yourself doing such, I have news for you. You can come out of whatever repeated error that you have found yourself in. But it will not happen by the strength of the flesh. The Bible says, “…by strength no man shall prevail…” 1 Samuel 2:9 (NKJV), meaning these things can’t be dealt with by mere human strength or will. So what do you need then? It is revelation and grace. You need deeper revelation of God’s word in the area you are struggling with and when you get that revelation, grace will follow.

Beloved, you’ve got to understand that Grace multiplies when there is increased knowledge. So what you need to do for yourself is search the scriptures more and let God give you a deeper understanding. If you are already searching the scripture and still not getting an understanding, you have to go to God in prayer and ask for deeper revelation of His Word and it will be granted. Now, while you search the scriptures, one of the surest ways in which you can also deal with these kind of issue, is to choose between the Lord and the issue you are battling with. See, the reason you have been going back to that habit or old ways, is because even though you have received Jesus into your life, you haven’t really chosen Him over your old life. You have unconsciously chosen that habit or lifestyle over Jesus that’s why you still go back to it again and again. But the question I have for you today is this, is that habit or lifestyle worth your eternal security? Is it worth going to hell for? If you die today, will it save you? Is it worth the risk? Why don’t you settle for Jesus, who will not only make your eternal security sure but will give you a peaceful life here on earth? Think about it, Jesus or that habit or lifestyle? Who is your choice?


Jesus or that habit or lifestyle, who would you rather chose?


Thank you Heavenly Father for opening my eyes to the reality of my situation. I have received Jesus into my life, therefore I will choose Him again and again above all else. Because Jesus is my life and my passion, I reject anything that would make me deny Him at any time in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: March 2019


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