“…and if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise…” Galatians 3:29 (NKJV)

One of the beautiful things about being in Christ Jesus is the fact that you are an heir of the same promise given to Papa Abraham. I know that this might sound a little off, for some people but that is just the truth. And our opening text proves this. It says, “…if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise…” Galatians 3:29 (NKJV). Meaning, the same blessing that was on Papa Abraham, is now actively at work in your life because you received and accepted the finished work of Jesus. And our Lord Jesus is our connection to this promise. So no matter what you face or go through in life, never forget this truth that I have communicated to you today. You are not a man looking for the blessing, you are already blessed of God. All you need to do is appropriate this blessing to your life. How you might ask? First by living in the consciousness of this truth. Because it is what you are conscious of that is what you will manifest in your life. When you are conscious of lack, you will manifest lack. But when you are conscious of the blessing that is what you will experience in your life. So be conscious of the fact that the same blessing that was on Papa Abraham that made him so wealthy, is also at work in you and on everything that you lay your hands to do.

Secondly, take the necessary steps in your life knowing that there is something in you that causes your case to be different. If people are failing in certain businesses or endeavours, it doesn’t discourage you because you know that if you try, you will surely succeed as a result of the blessing. Remember the case of Isaac. In their days, water was a scarce commodity because of the famine at that time. But the Bible recorded that whenever he dug a well for water, he always found water. Even his servants dug in the valley and found a well of running water. (Genesis 26:19-22) You know why? Because of the blessing. So I encourage you to change your mindset about who you are and what you have. Always remember the blessing is on you. If they are not giving anybody a job, your case will be different because of the blessing. If they are not giving others a contract, your case will be different because of the blessing. It is your inheritance in Christ Jesus. Halleluiah!


As a Christian, you are not one looking for the blessing, you are blessed of God!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this wonderful inheritance you have given to me in Christ Jesus. I choose this day to dwell in the reality of it now and all the days of my life in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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