“….When all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized; and while He prayed, the heavens open….” Luke 3:21

Most Christians do not understand the power they possess and therefore they do not make use of it. Many have become beggarly and yet they are possessors of heaven and earth. Many have become sickly, and yet their father has divine life and He has given them the same life to inherit. Some have become cowardly yet the bible makes us understand that the coming of the Holy Spirit into our lives brings boldness to our life. When you take a close look at our opening text, it shows us the power available to the Christian in prayer. In the book of Luke 3:21, the bible says,”…while He prayed, the heavens opened…” It would be good to take note that the heavens didn’t just open, and it wasn’t after He got baptized that the heaven opened. The heavens opened as He began to pray to God. This, therefore, means that it was His prayers that opened the heavens unto Him. And when the heavens opened, there was a release of words concerning Jesus; there was also a release of the Holy Spirit on Him, who then came to empower Him to do the task that was ahead of him.

Now, what is the significance of this? You may be asking. When the heavens are opened, that’s when the blessing pours out, that’s when prayers are answered. But the Heavens will not open unless you pray. As simple as this might sound, that is just the truth. When we take a look at the life of Jesus, the miracles He did were alarming. The way He spoke, and that Kind of authority He commanded was a reflection of His lifestyle of prayer. Now, my point is, if we can maintain the lifestyle of prayer as Jesus did, our heavens will be opened as well, because as He is so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). So it doesn’t make sense crying over things that you can handle, or getting worried over your house rent, or bills that need to be paid. Remember Heaven is waiting to open, and it can only open when you start praying. The only issue here is, most Christians are comfortable not praying, they seem to think prayer is the last thing that is needed to have a change. Yet the word of God was given to us as a guide, so we can see what other people did in the bible days, so we can do the same and produce better results than they did. Praise God!


When you pray, the heavens open!


I declare that as I pray, the windows of heaven are opened on my behalf; pouring out blessing on me and I will not have enough room to receive it all. I decree that my heavens are opened according to the scriptures and it opens every time I pray, in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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