“…He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses…” Matthew 8:17 (NKJV)

There are certain truths revealed to us in the scriptures that help us know that sickness can no longer fester in our bodies. And one of such truth is that Jesus took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. When He paid the price for us through His sacrificial death, sickness was dealt with. He forever put an end to the issue of infirmities and by every stripe laid on His body the price for all manner of sicknesses and disease in the world now and in the one to come was being paid for, so that you and I would no longer have to pay for this price again. Today, the price has been paid, sickness has been taken away and we are free from its bondage. Our responsibility now is to stand in the reality of this truth and let it become our consciousness. Sicknesses or infirmities are no longer allowed in our body because Jesus took it away. We can no longer be suffering from the same thing that Jesus Christ already took away. It doesn’t align with the provisions of the finished works.

So I admonish you today to stand your ground against any form of ailment and rebuke it because Jesus Christ already took care of it. If you don’t stand your ground, the devil can still use these things to imprison you and make you feel that God has abandoned you, when He has already made you free. So I charge you today to stand your ground and insist on your healing in any area of your body where you need healing. And if you are feeling anything in your body right now, insist on divine health because that is God’s original idea from the beginning. He didn’t create you so that you could fall sick or die through sickness. No, He created you to live in divine health but when the first Adam sinned, man fell from the glory and God’s plan was altered. However, He sent Jesus Christ to put things in place and that which was taken from man was restored and made even better. Today, we have eternal life- the life of God in us because Jesus made it possible. Don’t take it lightly and you will not waste your money on hospital bills ever again. Praise God!


There is no need carrying any sickness in your body when Jesus already took it and nailed it to the cross!


Jesus took sickness and infirmities away, therefore, I declare that sickness is no longer permitted in your body, and by the power of the finished works of Jesus Christ, anything that is not of God in my body trying to become comfortable in me, I rebuke you and cast you out in the Name of Jesus. Amen!


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