“…abide in me and I in you…” John 15:4 (NKJV)

As you journey in your Christian life, you must always remember that it is difficult to succeed and win without Jesus being in the picture. Something I have discovered in the recent past is that many want to continue being Christians without Jesus in the picture. It doesn’t work that way. There is no Christianity without Jesus. He is the reason for our being as Christians. Therefore, it is important that you become conscious of this truth in your Christian walk so that you can build a relationship with Him. It is your relationship with Him that actually makes you a Christian with results. Christianity is all about your relationship with Jesus. It all begins from there and everything about you surrounds that. The effectiveness of your Christian life depends majorly on this.

So I ask you today, what kind of Christianity are you practicing? One with Jesus in the picture or without Jesus? You need to carefully look into this question and decide. Make a conscious decision to work on this and your Christian life will move from one level of glory to another. The question now is, how do you develop your relationship with Jesus after receiving Him into your life? You do that through His word and by His Spirit that dwells in you. In the book Romans 8:15-16, the Bible says, “…you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, father”. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God…” Meaning that we have received the Spirit of God who came to confirm that we are Children of God and to help us live as children of God. So through this Spirit and His guidance and promptings, we are able to have that relationship with Jesus. Also, the words of Jesus, helps too with this, because through His Word, you get to know His heart, His will, and His expectations. All you need to do is go for His Word, accept it, believe it and put it to practice. When you do this often, you cultivate a genuine passion for Jesus and relate with Him easily because you have come to know Him, through His words. So I admonish you today to develop your relationship with Jesus and don’t have a Christianity without Jesus. Halleluiah!


Christianity is all about your relationship with Jesus, so kindle your relationship with Him!


Thank you, Jesus, for taking my place and making it possible to be in a relationship with you, I am grateful and will continue to nurture this relationship now and all the days of my life. Halleluiah!


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