“….I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it but I found none….”- Ezekiel 22:30 (NKJV)

As Christians, there are several things that God expects from us and one of those things is intercession. Intercession is the act of standing in the gap for somebody or a group of people or an organization or a nation in prayers. It is an act of making requests to God on behalf of a people, place or organizations. It is something that God wants and He honours it whenever it is carried out. As a matter of fact, God is always looking for people who would set themselves apart not to ask Him for anything personal but to make a request on behalf of people who need help. You hardly find such traits today and that is why a lot of evil is going on in the world today because people are not praying the kind of prayers that will hold back the prevalence of these evil acts. Everybody wants God to do something about the situation that is going on in the world today but they are not praying. Until and unless men pray, God will not do anything about the situation on the ground. The reason is because when God created the world, He said, let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping that creeps on the earth….”Genesis 1:26. God created man and gave man the dominion here on earth.

Now God does not break His word, He would not want to override the dominion He gave to man here on earth. Therefore, before God does anything on earth, He requires an invitation from man which comes through prayers and this is where intercessory prayers play a role. When intercession is done on behalf of anybody, or place or organization or a family, God always moves into action, because this is what He wants. So be quick to pray for others henceforth. Don’t be like some people out there who whenever they want to pray, it is because of themselves alone. You must understand that while it is not a bad idea to pray for yourself, it is also important to set time out to pray intercessory prayers. Learn to go to God like this with other people’s burden in your heart. Take time to pray passionately for the world, the sick, the lost, the body of Christ and lots more. Spend quality time praying like this; because God Honors this kind of prayers. The change we want to see in others can be achieved through prayers like this. So get busy and start praying, God is watching out for someone like you, who can actually bring a change to the world through prayers. God bless you!


God honours prayers offered to Him on behalf of people!


My Lord and my God, your word is life to me, I declare that the seed of your Word has been sown into my heart today, therefore I will continually offer intercessory prayers for my nation, city and for the body of Christ, I will not stop because I know that this is the right thing to do in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: October 2019


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