“…David said to the philistine, you come to me with javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of Host, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied…”

1 Samuel 17:45 (NKJV)

Over the years, we have been taught on the authority that the name of Jesus carries and the importance of using it in prayers. But do you know that more than that, the name of Jesus is not to be used only in prayers but also in confronting difficult situations in life? The teaching of using the name of Jesus in prayers has somewhat brought a limitation to the benefits we can get from the name of Jesus. Most people now think it is only in prayers that you can get a benefit in using the name of Jesus. But guess what there is much more that can be done with the name and in the name of Jesus. Understand that the name of Jesus was given to us to live a life of dominion and conquer in all things. Therefore, you need to take advantage of this by not only using the name alone in prayers but by using the name in all that you do. Way before our Lord Jesus Christ came into the picture, King David had a revelation of this truth and this was the reason when he confronted Goliath, he said, you come to me with javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of Host, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied…” 1 Samuel 17:45 (NKJV). Did you see that? David knew that what the Philistine had was just a weapon but he had a name, so he had to go against the philistines in the name of the Lord.

Now, if David could against the philistines in the name of the Lord and get the victory, what will happen to you if you would confront that situation using the name? What will happen to you if you will go to bed in the name of Jesus or go to that job interview in the name? Beloved, so much can actually take place but you need to be conscious of this and walk in this path. Begin this day to start doing everything in the name. Before you start any journey, declare that “you go in the name of Jesus” or before you go for a contract, declare that “you go in the name of Jesus”. Even before you go to bed, take the time to say I go to bed today in the name of Jesus. As simple as these statements might sound, it might just be the difference that will be made at that point. Imagine saying I go to bed in the name of Jesus, you can be sure there won’t be a nightmare or demonic manipulation because when you said you go to bed in the name of Jesus, you indirectly took authority over your sleeping moment, and believe me nothing else will be able to influence that sleep because it is under the authority in the name of Jesus. So I encourage you today, before you make that next crucial move or decision, do it in the name of Jesus. The bible already clearly tells us, “…whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him….” Colossians 3:17 (NKJV) Praise God!


Do all in the Name of Jesus!


Thank you, heavenly Father, for opening my eyes to understand the various things I can do in the name of Jesus. Therefore, I choose this day to do all in the name of Jesus, knowing that when I am done, I see results in all areas in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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