“…love does not keep a record of wrongs…” 1 Corinthians 13:5 (GNB)

One of the things you must learn to do for yourself if you want to live free and happy in this world is to learn to love yourself with the God kind of love called Agape. And to stop blaming yourself for everything that happens to you. It is good to take responsibility for certain things that happen in our lives because when we take responsibility, it helps us to walk in the path of change but in taking responsibility, you must learn to know when to draw the line and stop blaming yourself. A lot of God’s people today blame themselves for almost everything. They do it to the point that they no longer believe in themselves. And this is where the danger is. When you blame yourself for practically everything, you will no longer see any good in yourself, you will no longer believe in yourself and worse of all, you will lose your drive to try to win your battles. Because somehow in your subconscious mind, you have concluded within you that even if you try, you will still not succeed because you didn’t succeed the last time. This is the place the devil has pushed many of God’s people into and believe me it is a terrible place to be. A conscious decision must be made to come out from such place.

Blaming yourself will never get anything done, it only makes things worse and disqualifies you from that which God has destined for you. So what do you do, chose to love yourself and give yourself a chance. Yes, you heard me, give yourself a chance. Stop holding to the mistakes of the past and stop telling yourself, “I shouldn’t have made that mistake in the first place” you must remember that making mistakes in life is a part of life. If you do not make mistakes, you will never learn. As a matter of fact, the experiences that impact us more are those that come from mistakes. When you have such experiences, you don’t forget it in a hurry. Now, I am not saying you should continue to make mistakes, I am saying when you make mistakes, learn from it and let it go. Stop holding on to it as though that is all your life consist of. There is more to life than your mistake which is why you must let go and allow God’s love within you to flow to you. Love yourself as God loves you. The beautiful thing about loving yourself is that love does not keep a record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:5 GNB). It does not keep a record of the wrongs of others and it also does not keep records of wrongs done by self. When you live your life like this, it doesn’t matter the error in which you have entered, you just need to retrace your steps and let go because even God does not condemn you, so why should you. God is the only one in the position to condemn you but He wouldn’t because Jesus has paid the price on the cross. Now if God does not condemn you, why are you taking God’s place? Be encouraged to give yourself the chance. Love yourself, not selfishly but selflessly and let go. Allow God’s mercy and grace to flow in your life. Praise God!


Love yourself, not selfishly but selflessly and let go!


Thank you, Father, for your love and care, I thank you for putting in my heart the ability not just to love others but also to love myself. I declare from henceforth, I will be conscious of your kind of love and I will continually believe in myself and in whom you have made me be in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: September 2019


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