“…and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being…” Genesis 2:7 (NKJV)

One of the reasons I love the book of Genesis so much is because it is where we get to see how creative and articulate God is. Here, we get to understand nothing happens by chance but by divine plan, instruction and directions. We see this clearly in the opening text where God formed man. Here, the Bible shows us that even though man was formed, he wasn’t living, because he had no life and needed his Creator to put inside him what he needed to live. We also get to see that immediately God breathed into the nostrils of man the breath of life, man became a living being. Meaning, it was this act of God that gave man life and moved him from an object to a living thing or creation.

Now, we can easily relate this to our lives, to our dreams and to our hopes. Many times, as humans we often lay out our plans and ideas on a piece of paper and leave them to die an immature death. They stay in our minds as dreams and visions waiting to be birthed but never fueled with that flame of fire needed for the idea to come alive. But just like God did with man when man was created, we need to fuel our ideas, we need to nurse them and help them grow.

We need to give our visions and dreams the attention they require so that they can thrive. Having a dream is one thing, birthing the dream and making the dream a reality is another. You can bring your dream to pass and to life if you will do the right thing. All you need to do is fuel those dreams with the energy they need to thrive and you will see your dreams come to reality. Hallelujah! So, what are you waiting for? Give attention to that dream in your heart and bring it to existence. Praise God!


Your dreams and visions need you to bring them alive!


Thank you, Gracious God, for all that you are and for all that you do. Your grace has given me power beyond what my mind can comprehend. Power to create, the power to innovate and power to help make the world a better place. I take advantage of the power in me in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: January 2021


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