“…do not spurn the gifts and utterances of the prophet (do not depreciate prophetic revelations nor despise inspired instruction or exhortation or warning)… – 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (AMP)

Prophetic utterances and inspired instructions are a very important part of the body of Christ, they are essential to the growth and development of everyone in the church and they are instrumental to the growth of the work that God is doing in this end time. To understand how important this is to God, He said in Joel 2:28, that “… in the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy…” The reason is that God wants to use this as an opportunity to be able to make known His thoughts, desires, and purposes for His children through His Prophets. He wants to be able to forewarn them about future events and guide them in the part He wants them to walk in. So as a Child of God, you must make up your mind to take prophetic utterances seriously and walk in the consciousness and reality of the word because that is what is required for it to be fulfilled. Most times, you will find that there are lots of people who don’t believe in these things or take it seriously because it did not come in a spectacular way but you see, it is not the way the message came that makes it potent, it is the involvement of the Spirit that makes it potent and your belief in it makes it come to pass.

So I encourage you to take these things seriously, once you perceive that an utterance is from God or an instruction given to you is inspired by the Holy Ghost, go for it and hold on to it tenaciously. Believe in what it says and keep proclaiming that the word is yours. If it is a warning against certain matters then stay away completely from such things because the Holy Spirit who sees the future has already spoken. For example, if you were told by your man of God not to go on a particular journey, be wise enough to take it seriously because the Spirit of God is involved. If the man of God says in a short while you are going to be blessed, be smart enough to believe in it and see it come to pass in your life. If the man of God says, we are going to be fasting and praying for certain days and we are to come to church to break the fasting and prayers, be smart enough to believe it, participate in it and come to church to break the fasting and prayers as instructed by the man of God because these are the ways through which God guides His children. A man who wants to receive anything from God should be able to follow this principle. Someone may say but sir, what if a prophecy came to me about my finances and till date, it has not come to pass, should I still believe it? Well, you ought to believe it because the word of God does not expire. If the word has come to you, then you have to make good the word in your life by holding on to it and declaring it in your life. When you begin to doubt, the word can never be fulfilled in your life. You do not lose prophecy until you begin to doubt it. So I admonish you to take prophetic utterances seriously and place value on inspired instructions, they are the guidance that you require to move to the next level in life.


You do not lose prophecy until you begin to doubt it!


Dear Heavenly Father, In the name of Jesus, I thank you for bringing this word to me to educate me and help me understand how the kingdom operates. I decree today that I will always place value on inspired instructions from the Spirit and prophetic utterances in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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