2nd Tuesday 

“…for those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed…”

1 Samuel 2:30b

Over the years I have come across people who say things like, “God has forgotten me” “God does not love me”; “if God really loves me, why did He allow thus and thus to happen to me” but they never sit back to ask themselves and say do I really love God? Do I really have God in my mind?  Many people today don’t ask these questions, all they do is complain again and again about why this is happening, why that is happening, but they never take out time to examine themselves and see if the problem is actually coming from them or not. In my walk so far with God, I realized that people who often have this kind of problems are those who do not honor God in their lives. They have been living without making God a consideration in their lives. They live a high life forgetting that there is a higher life in God with a higher purpose. They hardly go to church or spend time to worship God or do the things that God has commanded us to do. All they want is God’s presents but they do not care about God’s presence so they end up lightly esteemed in life because God has said “those who honor Me I will honor and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed” 

The question I have for you today as you read this article is this; do you honor God or despise Him in your life? Think about it.  It is not enough to say off course I do honor God, I want you to think back, have you really been giving God the worship that is due to Him? Have you really been giving Him your attention and living your life to please Him? From your heart, have you really desired to know God more and how you can honor Him in your life? As little as these things may seem, they go a long way to reveal how much honor you give to God. Many people don’t really care about this, they live a carefree life and do anything their mind tells them to do forgetting that though all things are lawful but not all things are beneficial (1 Corinthians 10:23). So I encourage you to take your life seriously and honor God with it. Give God the honor and worship that is due to Him so that you will be honored by God. The worst thing that can happen in a man’s life is to be lightly esteemed by God; it is a terrible place to be. When a man is lightly esteemed, nothing works in His life, everything he does always develop complications because He is lightly esteemed. But those who honor God in their lives always enjoy a double fold increase and dwell in the protection of God. In Proverbs 3:5 the bible says “in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths’ See! From this, you discover that when you acknowledge God and give Him the honor that is due to Him, He becomes responsible for directing your life. Praise God!


The worst thing that can happen in a man’s life is to be lightly esteemed by God!


All powerful and everliving father, I thank you for your grace and love towards me, the eyes of my understanding have been flooded with light, I declare that my life will be used to honor you. I prophesy that in whatever I do and wherever I go, I will acknowledge you all the days of my life and as I do this my path is directed in the name of Jesus Amen!


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