“…till I come, give attention to reading, exhortation, to doctrine…”1 Timothy 4:13 (NKJV)

Again, another major thing you should give attention to as the year is still in its beginning stage is exhortation, and this is in two folds. Receiving exhortation and exhorting others. You must understand that in a time like this where the year has just begun, the things you allow into your spirit goes a long way to determine what the outcome of your life will be like. If you give attention to Spirit and faith-filled exhortation, you will be strengthened in your inner man. There is nothing you set your heart to do, that you will not achieve because faith has been stirred up inside you and the zeal to accomplish anything will be available because you have been quickened in your inner man. But when you are part of those who ignore exhortation and pay attention to all the demoralizing, fear instilling information out there, your faith will be too weak to produce anything for you. In most cases, you will find yourself discouraged and unable to pursue anything because you have fed your spirit with the wrong information. So, to avoid such incidents, you should give attention to exhortation.

Every day, make a conscious decision to listen to messages where you are exhorted on how to make your faith work, how to walk in the path of righteousness, how-to walk-in love and most importantly how to maintain your relationship with God. When you do this every day, you will find yourself positioned for great exploits and achievement this year. Also, as you give yourself to messages like this, it is important that you exhort others as well. There are many out there, most especially friends and family, who need exhortations too. You must do all you can to exhort others when the opportunity presents itself. When you do this, you are positioning others for victory and exploits in their lives. You might say but am not able to exhort anyone, what should I do? Well, you don’t need any special skill to exhort someone, all you need to do is yield yourself to the Holy Spirit and He would fill your mouth with words. In some cases, you may not even be the one doing the exhortation, it could be someone else and your responsibility to share those messages with your friends and family. But whatever may be the case, like Paul the Apostle said to Timothy “…give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine…”1 Timothy 4:13 (NKJV). Hallelujah!


When you give yourself to exhortation, you position yourself to victory and great exploits!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for teaching me your word, I choose this day to give attention to reading, to exhortation and doctrine and as I do this, I am making progress and doing exploits this year in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: January 2021


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