“…stand therefore having girded your waist with truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness…” Ephesians 6:14 (NKJV)

As a Christian there are lots of information out there that are geared towards misleading you. They are part of the devil’s activities to sway men away from the truth. But if you are abreast with the truth, you will not fall for the devil’s schemes. However, if you are not careful with these information, they could go a long way to hinder your faith walk. They could make you walk in doubt and unbelief. So it is important that you gird yourself with the truth which is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The truth will align you with the will of God for your life and put you in a place of advantage. The truth will show you the path you ought to follow and no matter what the devil tries to do to get you out of the faith, he will not succeed because you are grounded in the truth.

In the past and even now, the devil has succeeded in deceiving people out of the truth because they were not grounded. They knew a little about the truth but they were not fully grounded in it, so when they got exposed to the lies of the devil, they gave in to it and became backslidden. But then the Bible says, “…resist the devil and he will flee from you….” –James 4:7 (NKJV). So the best way to defeat the devil in his lies is to know the truth, for the truth the Bible says will make you free (John 8:32). Therefore, I encourage you today to gird yourself with the truth and brace yourself with it. Refuse to allow the devil play a fast one on you. When you are diagnosed with any kind of sickness, remember that’s a lie not the truth. When you are faced with certain odds in your life and really feel like quitting, remember, what you are going through is one of the lies of the devil. So instead of giving in to these lies, stand in the truth and overcome all such lies. Hallelujah!


Gird yourself with the truth so that you can beat the devil at his game!


I declare that I am not ignorant of the truth, therefore no matter what the devil tries to bring my way, I overcome it with the knowledge of the truth in the Name of Jesus. Amen!


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