“…the light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light…” Matthew 6:22 (NKJV)

How much do you really want to achieve that dream of yours? How strongly do you desire for that dream of yours to become a reality? Well, that dream is possible if you will choose to maintain some strict discipline of focus. It is the key to achieving all your goals and achieving them quickly. But the challenge today is that not too many of God’s people are not focused enough to do the things they need to do to achieve their dreams. They are most times distracted by some of the difficulties that confronts them as they pursue their dreams. They get so discouraged that they don’t wish to go in that path any longer, which is the main reason you find lots and lots of genuine dream left unfulfilled because the people involved couldn’t develop the courage to pursue their dreams and bring it to reality.

However, if you choose to stay focused irrespective of the difficulties that confront you, you will surely emerge a victor. But you see, if this is going to happen, it begins with a decision to stay focused no matter the odds. You’ve got to understand that the devil who is your number one adversary, is on the loose and what he seeks to do is to frustrate you so that you don’t fulfill your dream. He will stop at nothing to bring in lots and lots of things to distract you so that you don’t focus. And this is where many people fall out of the vision they have to fulfill their dreams. They get discouraged and just put the dream aside, thinking it is not possible to fulfill. But I want to encourage you today not to give in to such deceit of the devil. Don’t join him to fulfill his will for your life by giving up. Rather, stop him in his track by resisting his advances against you. The more he tries to make you give up, the more you should keep pressing on to fulfill that dream of yours. Paul the apostle said, “…I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus…” Philippians 3:14 (NKJV). He knew he had a goal and he chose to set his heart on the goal. Now, same should be your case, set your heart on the goal which is your dream and press on towards it. No matter what you face, refuse to acknowledge it, let the fulfillment of your dream, be your driving force. Praise God!


No matter what you face or experience, let the fulfilment of your dream be your driving force!


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, therefore I refuse to give in or give up no matter what I face, I choose to confront the odds and overcome them because I am more than a conqueror through the blood of Jesus Christ. Halleluiah!



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