”…that “the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available”

James 5:16b (AMP)

Have you ever found yourself in a complicated situation and the only thing that crosses your mind at that point is nothing? Your mind immediately blanks out and you are unable to come up with any solution at all. The more you try to work on an idea to resolve the situation, the more complicated it gets and you are getting frustrated because you don’t know what more you need to do. Well, it happens sometimes but as a Christian, you are at an advantage because you have the Holy Ghost living in you who is your counselor (John 14:26). When you find yourself in such a situation, refuse to panic or give in to pressure because that is not going to help. What you require in such a situation, is fervent prayer for the Bible declares that “the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12).

Fervent prayer in times of complicated matters cannot be overemphasized because it works. It is what is required to receive answers to any immediate problem that needs to be sorted out.  When you resort to praying fervently, you will always triumph over that situation. This is why the Bible says in James 5:16b (AMP)” that “the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available” because the fervency of your prayers, generates the power needed to fix any situation that comes your way.

Now, when I talk about fervency in prayer, I do not mean shouting in prayers. Shouting can be there quite alright, but shouting does not get the job done. If you must shout it should be something that happens as a result of the inspiration of the Holy Ghost because you can shout in prayers and still not be fervent.  So to be fervent in prayers means, to be passionate about what you are praying for. That means you must put your heart in what you are praying about.

Secondly, you have to pray with a seriousness of purpose. You must add some level of seriousness to your prayer. When there is seriousness, there is discipline and when there is discipline there would be determination. So seriousness of purpose must be involved.

Finally, you should be ready to continue in prayer until you get the note of victory. A fervent prayer is incomplete without continuity. If you tarry in the place of prayer, you will always get the victory. When you take a look at the story of Daniel in the Bible, He tarried in the place of prayer for twenty-one days because he had to get the victory; and guess what, he got it at the end of the day. (Daniel 10:2-14). So be smart and act wisely. Praise God!


Fervent prayer is incomplete without continuity!


Oh God, your Word is truth and I choose to accept it as the final authority in my life. Therefore I declare that henceforth, I refuse to push the panic button, but rather, I choose to pray until something happens. So I prophesy that as I begin to pray, the power to cause changes is made available and nothing will be difficult for me in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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