“…by faith [that pleased God] Enoch was caught up and taken to heaven so that he would not have a glimpse of death; and he was not found because God had taken him ; for even before he was taken [to heaven], he received the testimony [still on record] that he had walked with God and pleased Him…”

Hebrews 11:5 (AMPC)

We all know that one of the requirements for us to be identified as children of God is faith. First, you need to believe in Jesus; that is believe in His virgin birth and also in His resurrection from the dead. Now, after that, our belief should then translate into a profession of our faith which ultimately makes us born again. But when we become born again, God requires our faith to grow. He doesn’t want us to stay at the same level of faith that made us born again. This is why, there is a kind of faith that pleases God, a kind of faith that test our love and trust in God. Such kind of faith you find in Papa Abraham who the bible called the father of faith. You can find the same in Daniel when he was thrown in the Lion’s den, also in Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they were thrown in the fiery fire. These men just won’t quit on God, they held on to what they believed about God and dared their current situation to consume them. And of course, they got the victory, because their kind of faith pleased God. In all they went through they didn’t cower in the face of adversity. What they went through was tough, it was enough for them to give up, but their faith was strong, their love for God was strong, and they were willing to die proving it.

Of course, no one is asking you to die proving that you love God, I’m just saying don’t chicken out because you have some challenges, Don’t give up because God didn’t show up at the exact time you wanted him too. You must always bear in mind that God is never late. The time He shows up is the right time for Him to show up. And when He eventually shows up in your situation, He turns it around for your good. So stay focused on the promises of God, grow your faith and let your faith please him. Amen!


Not all faith pleases God, therefore exhibit the kind of faith that pleases the Lord!


Glorious Heavenly Father! I declare that I have the kind of faith that doesn’t welcome doubt, I have the kind of faith you require for me, to enter into my inheritance, I have the kind of faith that I need to give me my victory. Amen!


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