“….and has made you kings and priests to His God and father…”

Revelation 1:6 (NKJV)

Over the years, too many of God’s people have grown to have a wrong opinion about themselves. They look down on themselves and measure their lives according to their present condition. They have learnt to also believe so much in the opinion of others and they rate themselves based on what other people think. When they are not able to meet with the standard of what people think about them, they get depressed and feel that they were a mistake. But my dear friend, this is not how it is supposed to be. God wants you to care less about what you think about yourself or what people think about you because it does not count. God wants you to rather put your focus on what He thinks about you, believe it and accept it as the final authority. When you study the scriptures, there is a lot that God has said about you. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21), you are complete in Him (Colossians 2:10), you are a king and a priest (Revelation 1: 6), you are a peculiar person full of the Holy Ghost and the list goes on because there is so much that God has said about you from Genesis to Revelation. But the question is, do you believe these things? Do you believe that you are special and greatly loved by God? Do you believe that you are the apple of God’s eyes? Do you believe that you are healed of God and not the sick? Do you believe that you have eternal life? Or you believe what the doctors have said about you? Or what your friends have said about you?

My friend, you have to make up your mind not to believe any other opinion except God’s opinion because God’s opinion about you is the only truth you could ever find. Even though your life at the moment may be the opposite of what God says, it doesn’t make God’s opinion wrong. Men make their opinions based on what they can see, and what they see is limited but God makes His opinion based on whom He has made you. God believes so much in you because you were carefully and wonderfully made. So even though your life does not align with what He has said about you, God still will not change His mind about what He thinks about you. He is an awesome God and that is why you must train yourself to look beyond what you see and see what God sees about you and say about you. Refuse to have low self-esteem and begin to believe in yourself for you are the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus for good works (Ephesians 2:10)


God wants you to care less about what you think about yourself or what people think about you because it doesn’t count, what counts is what He thinks!


Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for loving me the way you do, I thank you for your great grace upon my life and for making me who I am today, I thank you for the eternal life that you have given me. I declare from this day henceforth, I will walk conscious of what you have said about me and manifest it in every area of my life in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!


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