“…the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding…”-Proverbs 9:10 (NKJV)

Most of the time in our walk with God, we sometimes tend to react to God like He is a man. We sometimes respond as though we are dealing with a man. And this is the reason you hear so many people today say things like “…I’m mad at God…” “Oh Lord, after all, I have done for you, why did you allow this to happen to me”. They say these things because they feel that God is like a man like them whom they can say anything to or get angry at. So most times, they remain in this state of mind and nothing ever truly changes in their lives. In most cases, they get so disappointed with God that they leave the faith and start announcing to the world that they have tried walking with God before but it wasn’t profitable. When the real truth is that, they walked with God without understanding God and what He wants from them.

Beloved, if you must have a wonderful experience with God, you must make a conscious decision to understand God and know His ways. Because one thing is to walk with God, another thing is to know His ways. It is the way of God that produces the acts of God. What most Christians are doing is that they just want the acts of God and are not ready to know His ways. So when they are not seeing the acts of God, they get angry and disappointed, thinking God is at fault. But in the actual sense, they are at fault because they have spent all their time pursuing the acts of God instead of His way. So I want to encourage you today to carefully chase after the ways of God. Get to know His ways and know what He wants. Because this is the secret to having a fruitful and life-changing walk with God. The bible says, the Lord “…made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel…” Psalms 103:7 (NKJV). Now, when we take a look at these two relationships, we see that God was able to use Moses in a very different way because Moses knew His ways. But the Israelites, God tried everything He could just to make sure they were a sign and a wonder, but they kept on breaking the heart of God. You know why? Because what they cared most was the acts of God, not His ways. God tried to get them to know His ways, but they weren’t willing to do that. Instead, all they cared about was what God was going to do for them, so many of them ended up dead in the wilderness because they weren’t ready to follow God the right way. The question is, what about you? Are you willing to follow God and know His ways? Remember, He is not a man. If you would focus on knowing His way, your life will be better, I can assure you that.


Knowing the ways of God is the key to seeing the acts of God!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for helping me know what I need to know about you in terms of walking with God. I hereby declare that I will pursue your ways with all my heart because now I know that your ways are the keys to your acts. Hallelujah!


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