“…do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good…”-1 Thessalonians 5:19-21 (NIV)

When God wants to do something dynamic in our lives, the Spirit of God moves into action. We can see an example of this in the book of Genesis. When God was going to create the world, the Holy Spirit had to move. In the beginning, the bible recorded that, “…the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light….” Genesis 1:2-3 (NIV). When the Spirit of God moved over the waters, every word that God spoke became a reality. We can, therefore, say, if the Spirit of God doesn’t move in a situation or in the life of a man, God cannot do anything with the man.

The manifestations of the Spirit are not designs made by men, the move of the Spirit of God has timings and frequencies that don’t play by the rules of man. One thing we must do with the Holy Spirit is to be sensitive to His move. This is the only way the Holy Spirit will move in you without any limitations. The Holy Spirit loves acceptance and freedom. He will not move in a place or vessel that doesn’t believe in Him and He won’t move in the life of a man that is rigid. If you want the Spirit of God to move in your life, you have to put a stop to every form of resistance and give the Holy Spirit the freedom to work His works in your life. He is an ever-ready help in times of need, He is a comforter at the time you need Him the most. He will do all He needs to do if you allow Him to move without limitations. So do not quench the Spirit, do not make the Spirit of God hold back while He dwells in you. Give Him freedom by talking to Him, studying the word, worshipping and praying. As you engage in all these things, you will see the mighty workings of the Spirit of God being manifested in your life. Amen.


Don’t hinder the move of the Spirit of God, give Him freedom in your life and enjoy all He has to give you!


Glorious Heavenly father! Thank you for your grace, and for all your mighty works in my life. I declare today that I’m yours oh God, and it is my desire to have your Spirit move freely in my life without any hindrance. I give freedom to your Spirit today and I ask you, sweet Holy Spirit, to move in me as you see fit in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Categories: November 2019


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