“..We all fell to the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads…’’ Acts 26:14

Paul the apostle before his name was changed to Saul, had an encounter with Jesus Christ. And Jesus had to ask him why he was persecuting Him, and said that he couldn’t kick against the goads. The word “goads” refers sharp pointed stick. Goads were typically made from slender pieces of timber, blunt on one end and pointed on the other. Farmers usually used this pointed end to urge a stubborn ox into motion. Now, what happens is that the beast would often kick at the goad. The more the ox or bull kicked, the more the goad would stab into the flesh of its leg, causing greater pain. So when Jesus appeared to Paul, He told him it was hard to kick against the goads because goads are sharp pointed sticks that could cause pain. Only a man that wants to get injured, kicks against a pointed stick.

Therefore, to kick against anything that God has said or planned is totally unwise. To kick against God’s Word is to kick against a sharp stick, and you are likely to get injured.

I write to you today beloved, because there are times when we think we are fighting for Jesus but are doing the exact opposite (fighting against Him). In the account of the Apostle Paul about his encounter with Jesus, we see how he became blind. Many have put themselves in several life challenges because of the things they say about churches and pastors and yet we are Christians. Some find great delight in belittling the Christian faith, doctrines and foundation. Some want to challenge what the pastor has said because they feel it is illogical. Sometimes we forget that the head of every man is Christ. But Christ remains the head of His church. And He has said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18). Therefore, as Christians, let us maintain our place and follow the scriptures. God is big enough to fight His battles. If there is any part of the scriptures you don’t understand, pray and let the Holy Spirit teach you (He is the spirit of truth) rather than make trouble and kick against the Gospel or the Church of Jesus Christ. Praise God!


Just as sharp stick can get you injured, even so the Gospel can hurt you if you kick against it!


Father, I thank you for your faithfulness and your love. I thank you for being the head of the church, and the head of my life. I maintain my place as a child of God not questioning the authority of the Word of God. As I walk, I follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit who teaches me all I need to know and help me to walk right in the Body of Christ. Praise God!


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