“…Simon son of John, do you love me more than these others do?” “Yes, Lord, “he answered, “you know that I love you”, Jesus said to him, “Take care of my lambs…” John 21:15 (GNB)

Before our Lord Jesus was crucified, He asked Simon a rather strange question; one that Simon may not have been expecting. He said “…Simon son of John, do you love me more than these others do?”  And Simon answered and said “you know that I love you” Then Jesus said, “Take care of my lambs…”. Anyone would expect that the question would end there, but Jesus Christ went on to ask him the same question again and again. At the third time, the Bible recorded that Simon Peter was sad because Jesus asked him the third time. So he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you (John 21:16 (GNB).

I believe the reason Jesus Christ was asking that question was that He wanted him to understand the responsibility that goes with loving Him.  So the first time, He said, “take care of my lambs” (John 21:15). The second time, He said, “take care of my sheep” (John 21:16). And the third time, He said, “feed my sheep” (John 21:16). Meaning, He was saying, “if you love me, attend to my flock and my work”.

This lets us know that loving Jesus comes with responsibility. If you truly love Jesus, then you are expected to give attention to His work. It is not enough to say, “Lord, I love you”, and you do not give attention to anything that concerns Him. You are not responsible for anything that has to do with His church. All you do is go to church, hear the Word and off you go. Whatever it is that is being done in church does not concern you. When you love like that, your love is only in words but not in actions. Therefore, it is important that you take this seriously. If you truly love Jesus, then you should give attention to His work. Subscribe to advancing His purpose in any way you can. It could be by serving in the house of the Lord as a worker or giving towards the spread of the Gospel. Whatever it is, you have to prove your love by getting involved in the work of the ministry.

So I encourage you today to be a Christian worker whose heart is in the work of the ministry and the spread of the Gospel. If you say that you love the Lord, then this is what you must do to prove it. Jesus Christ so loved the father that when He was sent to take our place on the cross of Calvary, He did not hesitate because His major focus was to please the father by proving it. Likewise, that should be your focus as well. Refuse to be idle but be a committed labourer whose heart is in the work of the father. Interestingly, it is never late to join the vision and prove your love for the Father. Hallelujah!


If you say you love God, prove it through your actions and not words alone!


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for proving your love for me by sending Jesus Christ to die for me. I thank you for letting me know what true love really is. Therefore, I make a decision to prove my love for you not just in words but in actions as well in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

Categories: June 2019


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