“…never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor…” —Romans 12:11 (AMP)

As we continue to establish the truth about zeal in this article, it is important to understand that, if you can maintain your zeal and never lag in it, you will confront any situation and win because what you require to win is burning right within you in an uncommon way. When you take a look at the life of papa Abraham, you see that he was a man full of zeal and he had many victories. Even when he didn’t have a child, he was still full of zeal and enthusiasm. He was not discouraged at any time and amazingly the Bible recorded that “…he did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God…” Romans 4:20 (NKJV) He was convinced despite the odds. In fact, the Bible says, “…Abraham believed and hoped, even when there was no reason for hoping, and so became “the father of many nations.” Romans 4:18 (GNB). Did you see that? One would expect that having lived for so many years without a child, he would become weak in faith or lag in zeal, but that was not the case. Abraham instead was full of zeal and he became what God planned for him to become.

Beloved, if you want to become that man or woman that God has destined you to become, then you must make a conscious decision not to lag in zeal. Rather believe in God’s plan for your life, and guard your zeal with all diligence because that’s what you need to move to the next level. You might say but sir, what must I do to keep my zeal burning? Well, it’s simple, stay on God’s word, accept what it says to you and about the situations of life and choose to believe it. God’s word is what you require to keep your zeal burning. If you will stay in God’s word, you will stay zealous in all things. And above all, you must be a man or woman of prayers because prayer is what compliments the word of God in you and brings it to fruition in your life. If you study the word and always pray, your zeal will not burn low and you will indeed become what God has said you will become. Hallelujah!


If you lose your zeal, you lose the most important thing you require to make progress in life!


 Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for opening my eyes to see the truth in your word. I thank you for teaching me to maintain my zeal. I declare that henceforth, my zeal will be guarded with all carefulness because I know that a well-guarded zeal will prevent discouragement and encourage progress. Praise God!


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