“…. but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…” – 2 Peter 3:18 (KJV)

One of the keys to living a successful life and enjoying all of God’s promises in Christ Jesus is prayers. Without it, God cannot do anything for anyone here on earth, without it the promises of God will not be fulfilled in the life of a man, because this is what is needed for God to legally operate on behalf of men in the earth and the reason is because God is a spirit and He cannot function here legally without a flesh. So, if God would do anything on earth, He has to be invited through prayers by those who legally stay on earth. Now as a child of God, you are expected to develop yourself in prayers and grow in it. There are too many of God’s people who want a change so desperately in their lives, finances, family, job and lots more but they are unable to pray to get results not because they really do not want to pray but because they have not given themselves to be developed in prayers so they are just not able to experience the move of God in their lives. However, this is the reason you ought to be different and take necessary steps to be different. 

First, you have to make a conscious decision to start developing yourself in prayers so that your prayer strength and ability can improve. Spend more time in prayers alone and always try to outdo your past in the number of minutes or hours that you pray. If you were praying thirty minutes before, increase it to one hour and from one hour increase it to one hour thirty minutes and continue like that. Attend more prayer meetings where you are made to pray and when you are there be diligent enough to actually pray. Study Christian materials that will enlighten you more about certain scriptural truth on prayers, when you continue in this path, you can never be disadvantaged or found disappointed and I tell you, there will be no telling the kind of success you will experience in your life because when you are developed in prayers, you keep the ministry of angels activated at all times in your life. So take advantage of this truth and start developing yourself in prayers for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God. God bless you!


If you must see results, then you must be willing to pray!


I receive God’s word today with humility and meekness and I hereby declare that my prayer life is developing by the day, the spirit of prayer is upon me therefore I will pray without ceasing and through prayers, I change my world in Jesus Name.

Categories: February 2021


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