“…when desire is conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death…”James 1:15

When God created us, He deposited in us some hidden qualities, which He purposed to help us excel in this world, and one of those qualities is the ability to desire a thing. This is a major gift that God has given to mankind and if it is properly used many lives will be changed and transformed. The sad thing is that not many have discovered this gift, therefore too many of God’s people have ended up becoming a victim of their own desires. In our opening scripture, the Bible says that when desire is conceived, it gives birth to sin and sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death. Now, this is in the negative, but in the positive, when good desire is conceived, it gives birth to righteousness, and righteousness when it is full-grown, brings forth life. This means, if you are able to stir up your desire in the right way, for the right things, it will certainly produce the right results for you and if your desire is for the wrong things it will also produce the wrong things. So to achieve certain things in life, we must be smart enough to begin to nurture a strong desire.

So the question is, how strong is your desire for that dream of yours? If your desire is strong enough, it will always give birth but you must be smart to desire and desire the right things. You might say but sir, how do I nurture a desire? Well, your desire first of all should be in line with God’s word to produce for you a blessing. The bible says in Proverbs 19:2 (AMP) that “…desire without knowledge is not good…” so you must equip yourself with the knowledge of God’s word to make your desire be in line with God’s word. If your desire is not in line with God’s word, it will still produce but it will produce the wrong things because desire is the breeding ground for new things. It has attractive abilities and it is a production unit that either blesses you or puts you in trouble. So, make a conscious decision to stir up the right desires within you. List out the things you so desire, fix a time limit for it, search the scriptures to pull out supporting text and then begin to use these text to fuel your desire by praying and meditating on them. If you will continue with this long enough you will be amazed at the results you will get. Therefore, begin today to nurture a strong desire and believe God for its accomplishment for it is written: “…the desire of the righteous will be granted…” Proverbs 10:24 (NKJV). God bless you!


Desire is the breeding ground for new things!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving me the ability to desire a thing, I thank you for enlightening me on how to tap into the power of desire, I declare that henceforth, I will channel my desire to do the right thing and in the right way with an expectation to produce results in Jesus name. Amen!


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