“…there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit…” Romans 8:1 (NKJV)

When people go through challenges in their lives, there is this tendency to start condemning themselves. This is because somehow, they have come to believe that the reason they are going through that challenge is because of the wrong they have done. But the truth is that, most times, it is not always about what you have done wrong, it could just be a process you need to go through to be strong enough to face the future that God has in store for you. So instead of remembering all the things you have done wrong and condemning yourself because of it, why don’t you accept the challenge as your stepping stone to greatness? Remember, condemning yourself is not the best approach in times of trials. Because in the first place God does not condemn you. The Bible says “…there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus…” Romans 8:1 (NKJV).

Now, there is nothing wrong with feeling convicted sometimes, because of some the wrong things you may have done. But hear me, don’t stay there. It is true you might have broken a hedge. It is true you blew it. But now that you have recognized your mistakes, repent of what you have done, receive God’s forgiveness and let go of it by forgiving yourself as well. Don’t die in the wrong you did yesterday or many years ago. Don’t live with it, today is a new day. Give yourself the benefit of doubt and forgive yourself just as the Father has forgiven you. Stop talking about the wrong or feel that, that’s the reason things are no longer working. Move on with your life and embrace your future. The mistake has been made, now is the time to do the right thing not dwell on the mistakes of yesterday. So work towards a solution to the challenges of your life and stop dwelling on your mistakes and condemning yourself. Because self-condemnation will always get in the way of your progress. It will hinder your prayers, slow down your growth process and kill your belief system. So avoid it and enjoy the liberty of God which is in Christ Jesus but remember, do not repeat your errors, because that is a place for prolonged suffering.


Work towards a solution to the challenges of your life and stop dwelling on your mistakes and condemning yourself!


Father I am grateful for the forgiveness of sins which is in Christ Jesus, I am thankful for your mercy which is Christ Jesus. In every way I have walked in error, I am sorry for my ignorance. I receive your forgiveness today and I embrace your mercy in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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