“…and he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me…” Luke 18:1 (NKJV)

One thing you must not get tired of in your Christian walk is prayers. No matter how things go, you must make a conscious decision to never ever give up in prayer. It is when you are consistent and persistent in prayers that you can achieve results. Sadly, many of God’s people give up too quickly in prayers. But this shouldn’t be your case. As a child of God, you must cultivate tenacity in the place of prayer. If you are in the habit of always giving up, the odds are there that too many things will get complicated in your life because prayers that help to simplify your life and uncomplicate things have been abandoned.

When we take a look at the scriptures, we see that those who prevailed in the place of prayers where those who have developed tenacity in prayers. They continued praying even when they didn’t see the desired results. They only stopped, when they saw the results that they were looking for. A vivid example of such incidents was the case of Elijah and his servant. Elijah had already given King Ahab the Word saying it was going to rain. But to make the Word come to pass, Elijah decided to go and pray. As he prayed the Bible recorded that he would send his servant to go and check if there was a sign of rain and the servant would come back and say there was no sign of rain. Now, one would expect that Elijah would give up but he didn’t. Instead, he kept sending his servant to go and check for signs while he prayed. He prayed until the seventh time when his servant came back and said, there was a sign of rain. It was when Elijah knew that there was a sign of rain, that was when he stopped (Scripture Reference: 1 Kings 18:41-46). He understood the protocols of prayer, he knew that he needed to tarry in the place of prayer and persist before he would get an answer. You too can get results like this, if you would decide to tarry and persist in the place of prayer. All you need to do is be clear on what you want to see in your life and tarry in the place of prayer until you get results. Hallelujah!


If you can tarry in the place of prayer, your hearts desires will surely come to pass!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this wonderful truth you have brought to me today, I decree by the power of the Holy Ghost that the grace to tarry and persist in the place of prayer is at work in me, and as I put in the time and efforts to pray, I am getting results in Jesus name. Amen!


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