“…I was glad when they said to me, “let us go into the house of the Lord…” Psalms 122:1 (NKJV)

Do you know that as a believer, you have a responsibility to create time for the things of God? Are you aware that creating time for the things of God is one of your reasonable services? Well, if you don’t know, I am telling you now. As a child of God, you need to understand that creating time for God and His righteousness is an act of honouring God and it has to be done deliberately. Our world is filled with too many distractions today, to the point that if you are not deliberate in your walk with God, you could be a professing Christian and not a practising Christian.

Therefore, it is of great importance that you deliberately and intentionally create time for prayer, fasting, soul winning, church activities and even serving in the house of the Lord. Over the years, we have seen many of God’s people who don’t like participating in the things of God. They always like giving excuses because they have not come to understand that walking with God has to be a deliberate thing.

So, I encourage you today to take this truth seriously. Don’t just be a Christian who talks about God and yet does not have time for God. Rather be a Christian is who is passionate about the things of God and is willing to make sacrifices at all times. The Psalmist understood the importance of this and he said, “…I was glad when they said to me, “let us go into the house of the Lord…” Psalms 122:1 (NKJV). Why was he glad? Because he knew that spending time with God was not a waste of time. He loved God so much to the point that he always wants to be in the presence of God.  So, I want you to learn from this, one of the proofs that you truly love God is wanting to always be in His presence. You can’t claim to love someone and not like to participate in anything that concerns that person. It doesn’t work that way. Your love for God should show in your participation in the things of God. Hallelujah! Interestingly, when you create time for the things of God, you are the one that gets blessed by it for it is written, “…he who sows to His flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life…” Galatians 6:8 (NKJV)


You can’t claim to love God and yet don’t participate in the things of God!


Father, I am grateful for your word today, I decree henceforth that nothing will make me too busy for the things of the Kingdom. No matter what I am engaged in out there, I will always create time for the things of the Kingdom in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: February 2021


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