“…let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one…”-

Colossians 4:6 (NKJV)

When you try to correct people or make them see reasons with you, how do you do it? Do you do it aggressively expressing anger or you do it in love expressing grace? It is important to note that in life, there are certain soft skills you need to develop to be able to live with people and have a good relationship with them. If these skills are not developed, you will always end up communicating the right thing in the wrong way. Many of God’s people today have not learned this, so they end up making enemies for themselves unconsciously. You will always find people avoiding them because, for every right thing they try to communicate, they do it in such a way that ends up provoking the person they are trying to correct. Beloved, this is not the way it should be. Begin from today to examine the manner in which you communicate with people. 

The Bible says, “let your speech always be with grace” Colossians 4:6. In other words, let the way you correct people be filled with love and care. Don’t act in an unreasonable manner because it will only end up provoking the person you are trying to correct to anger. You have to be conscious about it so that whenever you find yourself going in that direction you can quickly change it. If you fail to work on this you will end up having very few people around you; and even the few, knowing you and your character, will tend to stay far from you because you do not know how to communicate in love.

Don’t say but sir, this is who I am and this is how I talk, don’t expect anything more” Well, you are correct, this is who you are but remember we are admonished in the scriptures to imitate Christ. Paul said imitate me just as I imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). When you study the life of Jesus Christ very carefully, you will discover that He was not arrogant. He spoke with grace at all times and made His point clear. Even when the Pharisees and Sadducees tried to work Him up with unreasonable questions, He maintained His calm and gave them the right answers gracefully. This was what He did one day that made the officers who were sent to arrest Him to return saying “No man ever spoke like this Man!” (John 7:46). They were amazed at the way He spoke.

So be encouraged to imitate Christ. Don’t be a Christian who is nicely dressed but arrogant in character. Be like Christ and correct in love, renew your mind with God’s word and know that God does not expect you to keep that attitude that came with you from the world; He wants you to change it so that you can have better relationships with others. God bless you!


Be like Christ and correct in love, renew your mind with God’s Word and know that God does not expect you to keep that attitude that came with you from the world.


My life is for the glory of God, therefore I declare that I will always do things that bring glory to God. I reject with all vehemence, every trace of arrogance in me. I decree that henceforth, I will speak with grace and not with anger. I will communicate love and not hatred in the name of Jesus Amen!


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